
Boardroom Specifications

  • Epoch duration: 6 hours

  • Any interaction with the Boardroom (staking/unstaking SBLAST or withdrawing BLAST rewards) will lock your staked SBLAST for 6 epochs and BLAST rewards for 3 epochs.

  • Distribution of BLAST during expansion (Boardoom printing):

    • 90% goes to Boardroom SBLAST stakers as rewards

    • 5% goes to DAO fund

    • 5% goes to DEV fund

  • Epoch Expansion: The current expansion cap is based on the currently circulating BLAST supply . If there are bonds to be redeemed, 65% of minted BLAST goes to the treasury until its sufficiently stocked to satisfy future bond redemption.

Note that the Boardroom does not print any rewards for SBLAST stakers when the Boardroom TWAP < 1.01.

Last updated