

Contract Address: Coming soon

$BLAST token is designed to be used as a medium of exchange. The built-in stability mechanism in the protocol aims to maintain BLAST's peg to 1 USDB token in the long run.


Contract Address: Coming soon

$SBLAST token (TSHARE equivalent in Tomb Finance) are one of the ways to measure the value of the BlastTomb Protocol and shareholder trust in its ability to maintain $BLAST close to peg. During epoch expansions the protocol mints $BLAST and distributes it proportionally to all $SBLAST holders who have staked their tokens in the boardroom.

$SBLAST holders have voting rights (governance) on proposals to improve the protocol and future use cases within the BlastTomb ecosystem.

$SBLAST has a maximum total supply of 70,000 tokens distributed as follows:

  • Team Allocation: 3000 $SBLAST vested linearly 6 months

  • Remaining 67,000 $SBLAST are allocated for incentivizing Liquidity Providers in two shares pools for 12 months

Last updated